
Sunday, 28 June 2015

Circus Art term 2

Have you been wondering what room 7 has been doing on Fridays with Carolyn? Well here is an answer for YOU! In Circus (Rm 7) we have been working on mind-blowing quadruple art, all focused on a bird theme. During art we have been learning about pastelling, watercolour, collage and printmaking. It was amusing creating art that you wouldn’t usually do with other teachers. (P.S. Carolyn loves making terrible messes.) Each week Carolyn taught us a different creative technique. In week 1 we used watercolour. Then in week 2 we used pastels. In week 3 we learned about printing and last we did a rooster collage. I hope you like our art we sure are proud of what we created?

 My picture is in the ??? collection.
 I am proud of ….
The most challenging skill I learnt was ...
Next time I create some art I will use this idea ...
I think our creative art is ...

  circus bird art 2 circus bird art 3

Wednesday, 24 June 2015

Circus Art

Have you been wondering what room 7 has been doing on Fridays with Carolyn? Well here is an answer for YOU! In Circus (Rm 7) we have been working on mind-blowing quadruple art, all focused on a bird theme. During art we have been learning about pastelling, watercolour, collage and printmaking. It was amusing creating art that you wouldn’t usually do with other teachers. (P.S. Carolyn loves making terrible messes.) Each week Carolyn taught us a different creative technique. In week 1 we used watercolour. Then in week 2 we used pastels. In week 3 we learned about printing and last we did a rooster collage. I hope you like our art we sure are proud of what we created?

 My picture is in the ??? collection.
 I am proud of ….
The most challenging skill I learnt was ...
Next time I create some art I will use this idea ...
I think our creative art is ...

  circus bird art 2 circus bird art 3


Wednesday, 25 March 2015

RSS Feed

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    // Loop through each feed item and display each item as a hyperlink.
  • get_title(); ?>

RSS Calendar

Tuesday, 24 March 2015

RSS Messages

Text Follow Russell_Street to 8987 for these free updates as SMS/Text alerts.

Thursday, 19 March 2015

How to talk so teachers listen.


Great to read this again. Strategies like reframing the question, re examining the problem by looking at what is working and who it's working for are good to think about as they are not always a natural stance.  Think aloud, using data, defining the problem, and offering a menu of choices is more of a natural stance for me. These work well when there is a willingness to seek a solution together and it is a matter of finding ways to improve performance.  Some of the other readings and strategies are needed when there is a bigger concern and more challenging conversation.

Friday, 20 February 2015

Charter Wordle Wordle: RSS Charter Wordle Strategic planning staff, students community challenging goals aspirations Parents, staff, whanau, students research schools goals strong vision foundation learning core set of values focus unique relationship family community effective learning Treaty of Waitangi Tikanga Maori Kapahaka Inspiring agency, creativity and excellence, Learning occurs anywhere, anyplace, anytime. Student voice is powerful –seek and respond to it. Learning is social. We can learn with and from others. Fun and enjoyment. Educators as coaches. Teaching should be strategic/responsive. Formative practice. Making learning relevant. Student agency/being actively involved. Blank page/blank screen philosophy (create). An appreciative view. High expectations and significant cognitive demand. Authentic project-based learning. Making connections. A strong grounding in literacy and numeracy. A supportive learning environment, relationships and community. Information communication technologies embedded. A broad curriculum. Maori achieving success as Maori. Be engaged, motivated, and eager to learn; • Be informed and active participants of their own learning; Develop a strong personal and cultural identity and healthy self-esteem, supported by home and school; • Feel safe physically, emotionally and culturally; • Have affirming relationships with teachers and be part of a supportive, healthy peer culture; • Develop positive ways of responding to learning and social challenges, be respectful of differences and learn to resolve conflict constructively; • Be capable of learning and experience learning as challenging, relevant, meaningful, useful and stimulating; • Take charge of their own learning and become independent learners; • Have opportunities to experience and celebrate achievement and feel safe about risking and experiencing failure as part of the ongoing process of learning; • Be able to share what they have learned and demonstrate social conscience. Professional learning is directly focused on lifting student achievement; • Career pathways are supported and educators can deploy their passions/strengths.