please identify 3 ideas that you would like to consider further then compose one open ended question about one of your ideas.
Chapter 7 Let Silence do the heavy lifting.
1 Retreats:
2 1:1 Fresh air: How does walking and talking make a difference to quality conversations.
brain research, away from the environment, pauses more acceptable, leave everything else behind. Not attending to the fluff… Focused. Relaxed, mind given permission to wander, creativity floats to the surface. Alongside, less threatening, coaching, equal. Opportunity to think of what could be not what is.
3 How do we best find out the things we don’t really want to know?
People talk so they don’t have to listen….
4 How do we know if silence is consideration or boredom?
Participant puts the idea out. Others talk about what this sparks in their mind
Final speaking rights for the original poser.
Julz, How can we incorporate the reflective silence in our group meetings…
use carols quotes. what drives their pedagogy what is their knowledge
Define the rules of engagement incorporate silence. THINK pair share,
Adults to role model, have opportunities to practice.
Elly P227 What does she mean by tossing out the furniture and becoming a minimalist?
Keep it concise, succinct. Get rid of the baggage. What is the important stuff what is needed. Clear things our, create the space in your mind to think clearly. Maybe linked to getting outside and moving. Will silence allow us to get to the heart of the matter.
Fi P223 For fear of being though clueless you have …
How do you get your idea across and hope they buy into it?
Share an experience, leave time, ask thought provoking but leading question
relationships. research. big ideas take time become our ideas. be open to their ideas and change yourself. Credibility.
David Schools are unique with the multiplicity of relationships we have. What degree of our practice is influenced by the nature and intensity of our work as leaders. How do we allow techniques such as silence to develop in our practice.
We have to. Relationships require these skills. Being held account. Being aware. A forum to discuss, highlight and improve. Busyness is the enemy of relationship development. Permission to take time to reflect.
When you feel the need to prove something your feel the pressure and become frantic.
Quote: "Nothing effects the learning culture of an organisation more than the skill with which its leadership team receives feedback."
pays attention notices acts on radar in tune
awareness of relationships
There is a silent gallery watching your work all the time...
How has our school improved this year.
Change and challenge have been accepted as a positive and exciting part of our culture.
Mindset: Evolve rather than refine - revolution early adopters. transformational shifts
Status quo is not good enough, slowly getting stale. Children and Staff. (what about parents)
Teacher inquiry,
Improved rather than successful. improved makes us look back and compare. Success compartmentalise.
What will I take forward from today?
Revisit be present fight busyness to build relationships.
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